Thursday 3 July 2008

Lecturing life

Already the 3rd week teaching in the college. My PR student are lovely and i really love them. Looking at them, allowed me to recall all my happy moments during school time. Especially my foundation year. Energetic, happy, young, cheering, etc etc. I really love to be around with them!

Yesterday college asked me to teach a special class with "one day mandarin". 3 classes student combined together as well as their English lecturers. The class was around 50 people. Took me a sleepless night (actually think of what to teach in the class make me cannot sleep) to plan what to teach. And the coordinator specifically "ask" me to wear formally to the class because there will be a photographer of a magazine to take picture during the class.

During the class, as expected the photographer was there, full of student and teachers, and can imagine the class is real big and i have to actually "shout" during the class in order to let everyone able to hear me. After the class, a lot of the student wanted to take picture with me and then there was a banner in the class which i didn't notice in the entire class what is written in the banner. So class, pictures, this that. And there the end of the class and chatting with the rest of the english lectures about the education system of Indonesia. Then suddenly she asked me about my master degree. I got surprised how she know, or maybe the college told her. Then she pointed at the banner, there i realized.. the banner was for ME!

My name was there, "something teaching mandarin, english... Mrs. Meng Hwee, Chan (i haven't married.. hello?? ) , then master degree in business and from Australia..." More or less like that.

Wow.. that fully shocked me! Too bad no picture taken with my phone and didn't bring camera (never expect that). The pictures all with other lecturer's phone and she is off on Thursday. So i can only get after i back from Malaysia. Told my mum about it and we both also wonder what is so special about ME?? Even my man has the same curiosity too.. Finally we guess.. maybe there is just too limited master degree holder in here.

FYI, it is very expensive for them to travel out of Indonesia. Because they have to fly to Jakarta to transit; and by flying to Jakarta that will cost them the same price as flying from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta. And there is no master degree course available in Banjarmasin.

Anyway, it was a cool day!

This morning class was the "board game" for my student, AKA big assignment day. They have to create a board game with question cards (in mandarin) and swap with other team to play it. Ability to answer the questions going to determine their final score for this assignment. It was fun and they really have to learn it by heart. The outcome beyond my expectation and a few of my top student in the class really did it very well. Without the pinyin, still can do it perfectly. Awesome! :D What to do? My student!! :D Proud of them!

Tuesday 1 July 2008


Have the thought to reside in Holland after this Banjarmasin project instead of continuing the family contract with his company. Reason? Maybe we just need plenty of holidays?

Is that really wise to stay in Holland? Can i handle it alone there while he works abroad? There are too much of questions in my mind now. What if i couldn't get a job? What if i couldn't handle with everywhere filled with dutch? What if i couldn't take it for living by myself, alone? What if i miss home? What if... what if...

But everyone can do it, i should able to do it too right? I don't know! I have too many doubts and questions in my mind lately. My very own self, what i want, where i want, how i want. Then my relationship, what he want, when he want, and how he want.

I am lost i think! I don't even know how to gather everything in my mind to express through words. But the only thing in my mind now is my travel planning.

5/7 - 7/7 @ Singapore
7/7 - 14/7 @ Kuala Lumpur
23/7 - 29/7 @ Jakarta, Bandung and mum's visit to Banjarmasin
21/8 - 3/9 @ Holland
11/9 @ Kuala Lumpur
17/9 - 10/10 -> Quinten and Anita visiting in Asia

and i need more...........

I am so sucks now.. I am just having too much of time to think of crap? Or am i just.. i don't know what

Thursday 19 June 2008

3rd week in Banjarmasin

Been here 3 weeks already and few more days will be officially one month in Banjarmasin. As promised there will be update about life in here and it seems didn't really do much!

Was busy during the 2nd week here after spending one full week in hotel. 2nd week was the week that we finally moved into our house in here. House look nice, big, grand, elite. But the construction work... no comment! If i have to pay so much for a house especially in here, my expectation will be almost perfect work by them. Too bad it is not at all. Maybe Sunway SPK work is too good if being compared. The house floor is not even as in the water flowing i concerned. The water pressure in the master bedroom is extremely low, although there is a bath tub, but when i didn't use the bath tub, basically i have to use another bathroom to shower. Else will be standing too long while just to clean up my hair! Shower can be something tiring when you have the extreme low pressure of water! ;) I can easily list down 20 things to complain about this house!

After all the busy from furnishing the house, this that. I got fully bored with the life in here especially during last week. Without internet for a few days as the cable is not install in this area, YET, (thank god can use the 3G internet access with the mobile modem, but expensive though.) and newly in here, knowing nothing! Awful!

I just got my maid finally(after so long searching in INDONESIA for INDONESIAN maid, hilarious!), and.. i got my job too! :D I am very happy with it. Today was the first day, first class, first teaching. I teach Mandarin in a private college for the PR student. Lovely students with all together 13 in the class. Basically the class mostly conducted in English. Their level just not that bad, impressive! Hope can have more subjects to teach in the coming time.

About my maid, she is divorcing with her husband currently, that's why needed a job. And of course we offered higher than market price for her as we really needed a maid desperately! Everyday she will bring her 4 years old daughter along to work. It is alright for me as the house is just too big for me while he is working. Think working for me considered pretty lucky or not? Morning come in 10am, (i only up by 10am if no class), then home when work all finished (only sweeping, mopping, wiping for everyday job, the rest just randomly), lunch included and Sunday is off day.

Saturday will be barbeque party in my house! Wow.. Can't wait for it. All his colleagues is coming over, finally can fully utilize our garden in the house. Been preparing this for almost a week. Have to think of how to marinade all the meats, seafoods; then starters, deserts, etc. Another drinking night i think, after last week Japanese dinner with so many bottles wine down and then clubbing after. I got real sucks morning the day after! The clubbing here is good actually. Can be compared with KL's!

Come back to myself. Happy that my mum is coming by the end of July. I will meet her up in Jakarta then we go shopping in Bandung and now since Vi cannot make the trip, my mum will come to my house n stay over! I know she wanted to come so much to see my lifestyle here. Can't wait for the Bandung shopping spree! :D

I feel i am so fully grown now. Have to take care for a house, besides the cleanliness, his laundry, all working shirts nicely ironed, i have to think of what to cook for dinner everyday. From morning have to search for recipes in internet, recipe book in order to cook something different everyday. And then have to prepare my groceries shopping list, what to buy, what i wan to cook this week, what is going to finish at home, and blah blah blah. As he said, a good wifey will only need to do groceries shopping once a week. So i want to be that! ;) Of course, keeping track how much i spent in groceries every time! So housewife me now! Finally can understand how's the feeling for handling a family. Fully know how tough my mum used to take care of a family now! Thank you Mum!

I AM GOING BACK TO KL in 2 weeks time! Counting down the day every night. I miss everyone and everything in KL so much! And, also going back to Holland after 2 months! I miss everyone and everything in Holland too. My other home huh.

Will try to post some pictures taken during the Japanese dinner (have to ask from Jan's colleague) and hope this weekend party will get some pictures, and of course pictures with my student!

Monday 26 May 2008


Today is the 3rd day I am in Banjarmasin. I am surviving!

I spent almost 12 hours to traveled from Kuala Lumpur to Banjarmasin. 2 hours advance checked-in, 2 hours flight to Jakarta, 4 hours transit, 2 hours flight to Banjarmasin. The first impression about Indonesia was --> horrible! First the pilot from Garuda Indonesia Airlines to flew to Banjarmasin was GREAT! Never been taken any flight which let me experienced the sudden break "ziiiiiiiiiiiii......" and almost run out from the run way. 2nd when i arrived in the airport, everything was what i expected, small and old as in any domestic airports in any country. But the problem was, i couldn't get the luggage trolley yet there were plenty of trolley available. The person said it was reserved. I have to go out from the luggage room (which mean checked out from the "counter", but there is no custom counter) and then get the trolley and get in back again to pick up my luggages. It should be alright since the security said i am allowed to go back in to pick up my luggage, BUT.. i have no way to get out from the room at all. It was full (when i said full, you can imagine a full crowd, what we have a quote in chinese "people mountain people sea") of people whom came to pick up their friends or relatives i assumed. Thank God i had a lovely man waiting for me outside and managed to SQUEEZED to passed my handbag and lab-top to him and then get back to the room to pick up my luggage with my bare hands!

The rest of it was all back to normal as one of our driver - Andrea was waiting outside and greeted me with a very friendly smile and that cool me down with everything and finally Banjarmasin wasn't that bad.

Here comes to my few days life in here. It isn't that bad, just like Philippine or Thailand like that. Managed to look at my future house - Citra Garden, when i was on my way back to hotel.

According to them, that is the bestest and nicest residential area in here. It is indeed very nice. Too bad still need a few days more to let the owner to get the house ready, still half the garden not clean and planted yet; water heater not installed yet although all the heaters are already there; house not cleaned yet; and the rest are all ready for us to move in. Now i am still living in the hotel here and the hotel is very great. People here are very friendly and the best thing is, unlimited free internet access everywhere in the hotel! Met a few of Jan's colleagues in the hotel in the past 2 days (all his company's staffs are living in this hotel permanently). Staffs from Malaysia (Yes, very happy that there are 2 Malaysians is working in this project), Canada, Indonesia itself, Nepal, Holland. Think that actually gives me a more homey feeling. I am just not alone with my hubby but there are a lot more "family members" in here. So we can full use of the garden in the new house for all the BBQ and party with them.
Now, today is the first day i am alone in this city and hubby is working. Very busy day for him as machines should be arrived and release by custom today, many new crews arrived to be briefed. But i know i can handle all by myself. Yesterday went to the biggest mall in here - Duta Mall to survey the place. Not too bad though (of course can never compare with KL, but good enough to survive) And the impressed thing in the mall was, there have 21 cinemas in it, a lot more than in KL. Bought a dvd player back to hotel so i can watch all the DVDs i "imported" in to spend my time in hotel when hubby working. Think can only have a proper life when the house is ready to move it. Believe by the time i will be busy for some days for the house. All the cleaning, setting, buying for the new house. Can't wait for it.

Will update more about the life here through this lovely invention - Blog!

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Indonesia VS Malaysia

Time to go to Indonesia is getting nearer. After back from holiday with mum, only 3 days left to prepare and time to leave finally. House in Indonesia is up for him to make final decision to choose it and ticket is confirmed. Feeling is complicated. Very exciting and very nervous indeed. Been doing a lot of research about Indonesia and of course as well as Banjarmasin ( the city where i going to move to). Maybe Banjarmasin just a small city, so can hardly get any information about it and up till this moment i still have very little knowledge and idea about this city where i going to stay. When he was there, he told me i can survive in the city (as i am a total city girl who born and grown up in a country's capital). Anyway, compared with the first time i got the news from him that we might need to go to Banjarmasin, i am getting used to the idea and sort of accepting it and looking forward to it now.

The first reaction when i got the news, i got totally went off with the idea I GOTTA STAY IN SUCH A RURAL PLACE! What is the place named??? I never heard of it in my past 20+ years. I only know Borneo and sort of know Kalimantan. But what is it about Kalimantan? Well, all i know about Indonesia was what.. Jakarta! And of course all my house maids are from Indonesia. That's all. I have to stay there in a few months and i don't know!

After clearing out myself, and accept the fact and i started looking forward to start my adventure life. I don't know how well i can cope with it. But i know i will give the fullest to enjoy and explore it. Of course besides excitement, there are plenty of worries now. Language always the main issue. Yes, i am Malaysian, i speak Bahasa. But the thing is, for all my Indonesian research, i aware Bahasa Indonesian and Bahasa Malaysian is a lot different. For my past 12 years learning Bahasa Malaysian, i can barely understand what is written in most of the article. Maybe like a statement of 10 words out of 50 words. Luckily came to one site to try to find out the difference between it, it mentions :

Indonesian is virtually the same language as Malay, the latter spoken in Malaysia. The principal difference was in the spelling up until 1972 when the spelling was made the same. The Indonesian system having been developed by the Dutch, the Malay by the British. Thus the Indonesian j is y in Malay (e.g., kaju—wood, Malay: kayu); Indonesian dj is j in Malay (gadjah—elephant, Malay: gajali); Indonesian tj is ch in Malay (kutjing—cat, Malay: kuching); and Indonesian sj is sh in Malay (sjarat—condition, Malay: sharat). The Indonesian plural, like the Malay, is formed by merely repeating the word, as in angan-angan in the poem below, which means "fantasies."

Now i know why i can hardly understand, not because i never pay full attention in Malay class during school time nor i am just too stupid. But because of the DUTCH! After all, it is just not that difficult. Thank God i understand dutch now, but still it is weird though. The combination of Malaysian and Dutch language. Well, interesting!

After the worry of language solved, the next will be spending my 4 hours transit time in Jakarta airport to Banjarmasin. Was trying to search (again!) information about Jakarta Indonesia airport, unfortunately i couldn't get any at all. All i can found is the terminal 1 and terminal 2. Thank god i am flying with Garuda to Banjarmasin, so that mean i will depart from Terminal 2 without transferring to Terminal 1. And with the idea of Terminal 2 is for international flight, i assumed the facilities will be much better and won't be too bad. Imagine, 4 hours!!!! Let's cross your fingers for me please!

About the rest like what can i do, what work i can look for, how is the house like, how is the people like and etc. Think that is not beyond of my area of worry now. So will just save it until i was there. Have to stay wrinkle-free to look young and pretty! Else later hubby complains!

Sunday 27 April 2008


Finally the location is set at Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Finally i am officially leaving the country to live together with my man and away from my family. Although still possible to come back as often as i like, for example once a month or so. But, this time is different! I am leaving for the sake of living together and start a family with him (of course no baby in the plan yet, still want to do more diving!) but not like going back to Holland for a month or two and then come back for a month or two and then go again.

A bit surprised that i don't really have any hard feeling or maybe been leaving the home very often, traveling here and there, and know that mum is anytime coming to visit at Banjar or i will go back on and off for the sake of shopping, or ease of boredom or for the business perhaps. But still feels bit sad of course, and in the mean time exciting too (duh!).

It is now another chapter again for our life. With a lot of hope and believe that we can make it pretty well. Maybe from the way of living together and traveling together gives the confident to me. People always say: Travel together is the best way to judge how well a couple can live together. In fact we both enjoyed travel together a lot and we had plenty of fun. Kinda looking forwards it, wondering how is the place look like; how will our house like; what will i do there; what kind of friends can i make there; how much will i enjoy there; and of course the dream coming true finally for living together with him. Been 3 years, all plans kept changing and all sort of disappointments. The harder to get it, the more you appreciate it! Isn't?

About friends... When the time he was in KL, he kept asking me to go out with all my friends. He said why i don't like to go out and hang around with all my friends anymore. Past time i meet them like almost every alternate day, but why not now anymore? I think the reason we don't hang out as often as last time is because.. people keep grows! When we grows, our lifestyle keep changes aligned. Now there is the busy with dating and marrying, there is the busy with work, there is the busy with struggling life decision, and there is the busy with everything forever. When everyone has their own business to busy about, and that caused the possibility of scheduling time together is lowered. So, that is why we don't meet as often as last time anymore.

Glad to see everyone grows to a better way. Finally she is marrying to someone who is really good and nice; finally she is fully dedicated herself to the work; finally she know what is what she need to do and search for her future happiness and commitments and willing to let go of her current life; but lastly, she was the most dedicated person to her life but she became the most lost in her live. She used to has the mission and vision in her life, but because of someone who abandoned all her dedication, she loosed all her time and lost herself. Hope she can find back herself in the soonest time. God bless!

And same goes to me, i grown and i found the destination in the 3rd chapter of my life. I am very happy with it and i know my family happy with it very much too. He is the one and he is all i was looking. Thank you!

Thursday 20 March 2008


Lately when i received some sms from someone whom didn't meet up for more than a month, the first thing in the text is : How are you? Where are you now? In Malaysia?.. and then it will follow by another same question: When are you leaving?

Well, been getting used to the question, so i have my way to answer too : of course! But don't know when leaving and where to. Just go with the flow and everywhere is my home!

I wish i could have an answer too. But I really don't know where will i be. Used to plan a lot together, but the more we plan, the more changes it seems. So now we learned to just live with it. When the least expectation we are, the higher hope we fulfilled.

Many people envy a lot about this kind of lifestyle. Maybe before this i was one of them. But by last i realized it is just not that great as you imagined. At least i can't plan on what i can do (career), i cannot plan anything longer than 2 months, thus i have to look for a lot of things to entertain myself to not get bored in life! I will not say i don't enjoy, i don't like. Indeed it is the best life every women out there looking for. And a lot of them might not even have it in their whole life. So i appreciates it and i am happy with it, only if i could have something to fill up my time that will be the best!

Always agree with what my mum's life philosophy: Satisfaction brings happiness! When you satisfied with what you are having, then only you will appreciate the true happiness in it. I am satisfied with what i am having now, that is why i am enjoying my life! Of course all i am enjoying at this moment brought by my family and my other half. Thank you!

Wednesday 19 March 2008

The day is getting nearer

The day to be together again is getting nearer. From the day we apart started to count to the day to be together again. Been a routine for me almost 3 years now. Every time when almost the week to be apart will think: well, only 2 months, and thank God in this coming 2 months have plenty of plans to do. So strongly believe this 2 months can past easily.

Can spend 2 weeks fully on holiday, 2 weeks in hanging out with friends, 2 weeks going around with mum, 2 weeks left for being alone. Time wouldn't be that bad though. But the fact isn't like this. Because no matter what i do during the time he is working abroad, the time i miss him and wanted to be with him is countless. Although i might be full of plans during the apart period, but i still miss him and wish he could be with me. So... i realized i was lying myself!

Only 3 days left then we are together again. But I've been telling myself and counting down the day from the first day already : only 8 weeks, only 7 weeks, only 6 weeks, only a month, only a week... But nothing to be deny, i am very looking forward the day to come as soon as it can. But the weirdest thing is, every time when there is only 7 days left, the time just seems stuck up there and 7 days just as long as 7 weeks. Why huh?

Very happy finally is his turn to come to Malaysia instead of i going to Holland. Well, going to Holland isn't bad at all. At least another chance to travel to another new Europe country and of course my bag's shopping spree! So Malaysia or Holland actually makes no difference to me, but there is for my family and friends in Malaysia. For my family, he is part of the member and of course everyone at home miss him a lot and wanted to meet him, especially my mum. I am really very glad my family loves him a lot. Holidaying in Malaysia might not be a good decision for his family. That day he just told me his family complaint about the decision for coming to Malaysia. I knew who is the one, although being fully aware she is pretty bossy to all the siblings, especially him. But still i feel angry and unhappy with it. Been continuously back to Holland for holiday 2 times, why being so selfish? What if that is her husband? what if her husband's family don't like she go back to her own house with her husband? What will her own family member think if they never got a chance to meet their son-in-law in more than half a year? Keeping this for myself but not sharing with him, because i can understand the feeling of positioning between family and the other half. Of course i don't blame her for being selfish, maybe if i was her, i will complain about it to him. Or maybe i won't but keeping it to myself or just express the dislike to my other half. I don't want my brother to feel guilty! And congratulates her, she make her brother feeling extremely guilty!

Can't wait for the day to come and to travel together with the holiday plans I've planned. There is a surprise trip arranged by me though. I believe he will really love to see more about Chinese culture and to know more about Chinese. So the surprise trip would be the first destination for him to learn about it! And can't forget and left behind the Redang trip. Finally i will travel there and get my scuba diving license. This is one of the dream and thing i wanted to do for so long. And of course very looking forward relaxing by the beach with him, starring at the stars in the sky at night and listen to the wave. That is always the best holiday for me!

Very nervous indeed. Last holiday couldn't give him any "holiday". Feels very guilty. Hopefully all the places in my mind that i plan to bring him to can come true this time. Miss him a lot!

Monday 14 January 2008


L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

A song which i personally love it a lot by Nat King Cole, which has a very meaningful lyrics written by
Milt Gabler and music by Bert Kaempfert.

What is romantic?

Romantic doesn't mean to have a very expensive candle light dinner; doesn't need to travel to Europe (for Asians) or Asia (for Europeans); never need a Tiffany & Co. gift, or Louis Vuitton bags, or a big bungalow nor a dream car of yours to be given.

A whispering of how much you mean to him; how much he love you; how much he needed you in his entire life; how you completed he; and when you tell him how much you envy at him for all the achievements he made, and the reply from him is: "You don't have to honey, because these are all yours too. Without you, everything is meaningless!" Or when you ask him anything he needed to buy while telling him to pampered himself a little after working so hard, he say: "I don't need anything, all i want is to see you happy. I rather spend the money i earned hardly on you to make you happy instead."

Lying next to each other, planning the future together, discussing how to build the family of us together, cuddle tightly with all the love and care; having a man who care how much you enjoyed in the holiday instead of how much had spent in the holiday; someone who willing to sacrificed the job he love just to be with you; keep figuring out how to live together; changing himself with all the attitudes you couldn't bear with; calling you or messaging you in the middle of work just to tell you he miss you and how much he love you; dreaming of you and to be assure in the mid of his sleep that you are sleeping next to him; giving the most lovable smile with the morning greeting with his love when the moment you opened your eyes; telling how beautiful you are and supporting you whenever and whatever you do; full trust and believe in you; and nevertheless the shoulder to be there for you whenever you needed and the chest that gives you the feeling of secureness. That is the romantic you gives me! And this is all the romantic i asked for and you'd given and gives still. That makes my love for you never stop because you are the one.

Just a sincere eyes contact and telling how much you love me and want me to be in your future life from your true heart, that is the very romantic scenario for me. No ring needed, no flower needed, no candle light dinner needed, nothing i need, because all i need is the words truly from your heart and the commitment you willing to make, and that will make it a "yes"! or maybe a romantic song as background music would be nice ;)

Although i might not have a perfect family, but i know we will build a perfect and happy family together,because i have faith in you and after all, you are the one all i needs and wants!

Friday 4 January 2008

True Love, Don't wait

Very interesting article found in Chinese version. Translated it into English to share with everyone.

He is very clearly aware she is inappropriate for him, but more definite is, he cannot say on own for break-up.
He only keep waiting, until one day his girlfriend cannot bear it any longer. Instead of waiting until the old age still unable to make the decision, she'd chosen to leave this relationship on her own choice. Her left is on her own initiative, He think: I am not heartless, instead I am respecting your decision sincerely.
After half a year, she discovered that he married with one only met for 3 month-long. That makes her bolt from the blue and understood that he just never want to marry her, but not doesn't want a marriage in his life. Eight years love cannot compare with three months sentiments.
After six months married with the one, he realized the one he married actually predecessored his girlfriend. He is very sad and only then understood he likes this type of girl, which is like the girlfriend he gave up earlier on.

Human being often very contradictory, likes her stubbornness with the disposition, but cannot bear the indulgent; likes her graceful, but cannot bear her piles of friend; loves her tenderness, so do not blame she is not sporting enough; loves her way of lively, then do not criticize she flirt like a bitch.

The longer the relationship goes, the lower the possibility for the marriage. Therefore, sometimes the love length and the marriage possibility is in reverse proportion.

Fickle in the affection is the nature of human. When the day has been long, married might not be for love anymore, but is the sense of responsibility obligation.

After the marriage with his wife, then only he slowly discovered the relationship with his girlfriend were not because the love was not there, but just the love had been faded by time. The moment he found another new love from his wife, the passion of love enlighten up again immediately therefore decided to married hastily.

Until finally he married sometime after, when the love faded slowly time to time, then he slowly discover his wife actually has many predecessors of his girlfriend, but the one he love the most by the end is his girlfriend, and she isn't his wife.

Is such plot also similarly performing in elsewhere?
School days love is very pure, after graduated always want to wait for work to stable then only marry after; work stable later then want to wait to have a savings to buy the vehicle, to buy the house and then only to marry, waits to wait, when love is given by the time wears down, when the third party involved, and regret is unbearable. Once in young with all the vows, the dreams, the ideals, all gone before manage to go through all the challenges and seductiveness in life. Therefore, the one who walk the aisle with you normally is not the one who shared all the joys and sorrows, and has experienced the winter and summer together with you.
Hereby advises politely to the fellow girls, if he is really the one you wants to marry, do not have to wait until he has the house, vechicle and gold then only marry to him. The reality is, waited until him has all of these, he will become a very attractive and capable man, eventually he will face more enticements in life. The long waiting and promises with the pledge of eternal love will have to face the unresistable enticement challenges.
If now does not marry him, when the time he fulfilled everything he'd been chasing after in his life, the bride had extremely high possibility is not you.
Man with ability is alike the longer the wine, the mellower it is, whereas the woman is like the fresh bread with expired date, the time is the biggest enemy of woman.
If i were him, when i reached my 35 years old with the value worth more than ten million dollars' bachelors, i will not need a capable woman over 30 years old to assist me. I would rather choose a young pretty girl, perhaps does not have working ability, but with all a girl should have to admired by men to be envy at me. A truly capable man would not care about how much a woman can assist him to gain more wealth.
When you've met your Mr.Right, do not wait until the love faded by time. Maybe he does not have a house nor a car, as long as he progresses earnestly, he will be a rising star one day.
Also reminds fellow gentlemen, if she is the Miss Right you wants to dote on well, do not let her wait too long, has her to accompany you to struggle together is a very happy matter unless in your heart has other ideas, otherwise do not let love abrasion by time.
Although it sounds very cruel, by there are plenty of similar experiences happened at your family and friends.
If he/she is the one, then just don't wait anymore, unless you just does not want to marry!