Thursday 20 March 2008


Lately when i received some sms from someone whom didn't meet up for more than a month, the first thing in the text is : How are you? Where are you now? In Malaysia?.. and then it will follow by another same question: When are you leaving?

Well, been getting used to the question, so i have my way to answer too : of course! But don't know when leaving and where to. Just go with the flow and everywhere is my home!

I wish i could have an answer too. But I really don't know where will i be. Used to plan a lot together, but the more we plan, the more changes it seems. So now we learned to just live with it. When the least expectation we are, the higher hope we fulfilled.

Many people envy a lot about this kind of lifestyle. Maybe before this i was one of them. But by last i realized it is just not that great as you imagined. At least i can't plan on what i can do (career), i cannot plan anything longer than 2 months, thus i have to look for a lot of things to entertain myself to not get bored in life! I will not say i don't enjoy, i don't like. Indeed it is the best life every women out there looking for. And a lot of them might not even have it in their whole life. So i appreciates it and i am happy with it, only if i could have something to fill up my time that will be the best!

Always agree with what my mum's life philosophy: Satisfaction brings happiness! When you satisfied with what you are having, then only you will appreciate the true happiness in it. I am satisfied with what i am having now, that is why i am enjoying my life! Of course all i am enjoying at this moment brought by my family and my other half. Thank you!

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