Wednesday 7 May 2008

Indonesia VS Malaysia

Time to go to Indonesia is getting nearer. After back from holiday with mum, only 3 days left to prepare and time to leave finally. House in Indonesia is up for him to make final decision to choose it and ticket is confirmed. Feeling is complicated. Very exciting and very nervous indeed. Been doing a lot of research about Indonesia and of course as well as Banjarmasin ( the city where i going to move to). Maybe Banjarmasin just a small city, so can hardly get any information about it and up till this moment i still have very little knowledge and idea about this city where i going to stay. When he was there, he told me i can survive in the city (as i am a total city girl who born and grown up in a country's capital). Anyway, compared with the first time i got the news from him that we might need to go to Banjarmasin, i am getting used to the idea and sort of accepting it and looking forward to it now.

The first reaction when i got the news, i got totally went off with the idea I GOTTA STAY IN SUCH A RURAL PLACE! What is the place named??? I never heard of it in my past 20+ years. I only know Borneo and sort of know Kalimantan. But what is it about Kalimantan? Well, all i know about Indonesia was what.. Jakarta! And of course all my house maids are from Indonesia. That's all. I have to stay there in a few months and i don't know!

After clearing out myself, and accept the fact and i started looking forward to start my adventure life. I don't know how well i can cope with it. But i know i will give the fullest to enjoy and explore it. Of course besides excitement, there are plenty of worries now. Language always the main issue. Yes, i am Malaysian, i speak Bahasa. But the thing is, for all my Indonesian research, i aware Bahasa Indonesian and Bahasa Malaysian is a lot different. For my past 12 years learning Bahasa Malaysian, i can barely understand what is written in most of the article. Maybe like a statement of 10 words out of 50 words. Luckily came to one site to try to find out the difference between it, it mentions :

Indonesian is virtually the same language as Malay, the latter spoken in Malaysia. The principal difference was in the spelling up until 1972 when the spelling was made the same. The Indonesian system having been developed by the Dutch, the Malay by the British. Thus the Indonesian j is y in Malay (e.g., kaju—wood, Malay: kayu); Indonesian dj is j in Malay (gadjah—elephant, Malay: gajali); Indonesian tj is ch in Malay (kutjing—cat, Malay: kuching); and Indonesian sj is sh in Malay (sjarat—condition, Malay: sharat). The Indonesian plural, like the Malay, is formed by merely repeating the word, as in angan-angan in the poem below, which means "fantasies."

Now i know why i can hardly understand, not because i never pay full attention in Malay class during school time nor i am just too stupid. But because of the DUTCH! After all, it is just not that difficult. Thank God i understand dutch now, but still it is weird though. The combination of Malaysian and Dutch language. Well, interesting!

After the worry of language solved, the next will be spending my 4 hours transit time in Jakarta airport to Banjarmasin. Was trying to search (again!) information about Jakarta Indonesia airport, unfortunately i couldn't get any at all. All i can found is the terminal 1 and terminal 2. Thank god i am flying with Garuda to Banjarmasin, so that mean i will depart from Terminal 2 without transferring to Terminal 1. And with the idea of Terminal 2 is for international flight, i assumed the facilities will be much better and won't be too bad. Imagine, 4 hours!!!! Let's cross your fingers for me please!

About the rest like what can i do, what work i can look for, how is the house like, how is the people like and etc. Think that is not beyond of my area of worry now. So will just save it until i was there. Have to stay wrinkle-free to look young and pretty! Else later hubby complains!

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