Thursday 2 July 2009

Summer 2009

What a special summer!

Lately too many of my friends having problem with their life. Not small problem, but real big problem.

Just not long ago, maybe days ago heard one of the friend got a job and that job actually kinda help to solve her fiancee financial problem, was indeed very happy for her and of course after the problem arousing her for quite sometimes, she is all back to the happy and full of crap girl again.

I was very tired last night, first of all, a Japanese friend of mine suddenly kick out by student house personel and was so lost and helpless. And Jan was trying to call up the student house to ask for exception for a pity lonely Japanese in NL but still not acceptable. Finally arranged everything for her and fixed a date and time to pick her up from student house and come to my house to stay till she back. I am very sad for her that she was thinking to spend a little bit longer time in NL before she has to back to Japan, but all these heartless personel make her has to change the flight ticket date to go back almost 3 weeks earlier, what a last "good" impression they gave i was thinking! Anyway, it is good that now her problem is solved though. At least one friend's problem is delisted from my list.

But happy thing seems do not last long in this beginning of summer. Just not more than a minute i was happily thought problem solved, another worse shock came to me. A very very close friend told me, early in the morning, she is leaving her husband! She was MIA for weeks from all of her friends which is not really her things, but due to the summer holiday was approaching and everybody busy finishing the assignments, included she, just thought she was really complete drowned with assignments. although normally she won't be too keen working so hard on her work... a girl that is so independent, strong, confident all the time, suddenly told you that she is completely fxucked up herself, that really scared my axx off with plenty plenty of worries. The more she told me about herself, the more worry it came in me. When the moment i saw she was completely collapsed, lost and helpless, my heart was bleeding and tears was in my heart. I couldn't allow myself to be weak in front of her for a second moment, because she need someone there to be with her and to guide her as well as to consult her. I was glad that she was feeling better and more aware of what she should do and talk to her husband before i leave her. And all the worries was in me the entire evening. But relieved to heard she had a very calm and good talk with her husband and her husband being very supportive and positive with what she want of being alone for a short while.

This morning the first thing came into my mind was how is this friend doing now? Quickly get all the things i supposed to complete in the morning done, and just can't wait to rush to her to assure she is alright with everything. I must say i was so happy for what i seen today from her. I have all the faith and positive that this marriage is going to work out great again very soon! BUT..... again happy thing never last long in this beginning of summer.

Another message came in, same as just the relief of a problem of friend solved, after maybe not even one minute, another friend said her husband just walked out from the 9 years marriage! I am completely burn out now from all the none stop problems happened in my friends! I hope there is no more coming in after this! I feel very very sad to see these happened on my friends. Please.. really no more! This summer holiday supposed to be a boring holiday for me before i back to my home country.. although i know i complaint about how am i going to pass through this boring holiday, and now i rather to get back the boring holiday instead of all the drama happens in my friends!

1 comment:

Vi said...

so sad to heard that so many bad news from your friends. But, they very lucky have u this friend stand by for them, help them :) Hope everything is ok.. maybe "time" can solved everything/