Tuesday 7 July 2009


Past few days was spending quite some quality time with two new friends i met in my dutch class. One was the exchange student from Japan for her Master degree thesis "Education in Netherlands" also the first Japanese exchange student in NL in her faculty, and the other one was Phd. holder in Literature from Cambridge as well as the Professor in University Utrecht. We talked a lot of things, from crap, to life as an Asian living in the European Country, to the politics, and etc etc. It was really a very quality 2 days we spent together. I really enjoyed the talk with them. They gave me the feeling to feel that i am me again after being out from the "society" so long. Or maybe i make myself feel that i had been left out since being jobless for so long, but good to know that i am still in "it".

Since living here and started my dutch class, i really enjoy making friends from around the world and shares our cultures with each other as well as sharing the thoughts. Maybe being alone as a foreigner in a foreign country will allows each other to click with each other easily. I always feel good when a group of us sitting by the terrace, drinking, chatting and having fun with each other where that table actually consists of the local, the nearby European countries, America, middle east, til SEA nationalities. Yet still in harmony and in fact a lot of fun in it.

That sometimes give me a lot of thought, why there is still war? Why what is happening in XinJiang or Israel now is still occurs? Maybe if there is mo
re people with a little bit more generous and trying to be more understanding as well as giving a little bit more respect to each other, this world will be better.

Anyway, leave that aside, imagine if i am still living in my home country, what improvement in life will I be now? Interesting..

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