Thursday 22 July 2010


Just now watched a video shared by someone in FB about a brides got killed by 2 thieves in her house just a few days before her wedding. That reminded another client of my wedding planner. She was an expat working in Dubai and the last time my wedding planer in touch with her was on the phone discussing about the wedding happily, and the next was the news of her death from an accident.

Life is so unpredictable and can be very short and shocked. I must say i am a very lucky one among many others in the world. A co-partner told me not long ago: You are such a lucky one, always someone there to assist you! Yes, i am indeed. I am very happy that i have a very supportive family always there to support and assist on everything i do. Even though I've married now and i am living far apart from my beloved family, but we are still very close with each other. We care each other, we love each other and we are always there for each other, whenever, wherever and however we needed help. I am a free-thinker but i must thank God for giving such a lovely family and life to me. Without my mum, i will not be who i am today, without her unlimited support, i will not have what i have achieved as of today.

The next, although i just started my marriage life not long ago, but i am very glad and happy to say that i found someone who really love me and respect me. Somebody who always put you into every considerations before him, somebody who will just be there to support you on whatever you do, encourage you and correct you when it is needed and working very hard to build a better future for the family that going to build by two of us. There is always a reason why a woman will gave up everything she has built, and went to a completely strange and new environment just for a man, everything have to start from zero, be it language, lifestyle, culture and even friend, it is just because - the man worth it.

.....I love you, and thank you for your loves. You are another new lovely, supportive family member the God brought to me.

I am happy and glad,and i appreciate everything i am having now. Nothing come in absolute, we worked for it, we paid for it, and we gained it. Because we love, that's why we are being loved. Happiness come from satisfaction!

1 comment:

Vi said...

And luckly u have me this kind friend. Always waiting u spent a trip for me in holland ^^

So sorry to hear the news. Maybe this is another "borrow mirror" for u to appreciate me :p