Wednesday 10 June 2009


Lately re-watches an old TVB drama series which is about swimming. From kid i was already a big water sports lover, any sports relates to water i will always wanted to learn and master the skills. I remember i started to learn swimming when i was 10 years old (if not mistaken) together with my brother and a tenant in a sport central at Malaysia. Since then swimming became a very serious sport for me. This drama series give me another stronger passion to swim better and faster with all the techniques been mentioned in the show. Tried it today, well, it really works but maybe stamina not too good, so only managed to swim 5 laps and needed the rest in order to fulfil my everytime quota in swimming.

Water... give me the very calm and relax feeling whenever i am under the water. The World become so peaceful! Especially when it is in the under world while diving, i feel so tiny like living in an aquarium. The picture it gave is like a diver's ornament in a sea water aquarium with plenty of rocks (walls) surrounded by all the fishes and i was the ornament!

Gosh, i miss diving and i want to dive in very soon!!!

Saturday 6 June 2009

Life update

Sometimes reading back the blog of mine, which actually reminds me about my thought for certain moments, and which included how i grows from time to time.

Today's weather is very good, around 16 degree Celsius. I loves weather like this, with a little sunshine and some wind. Hope every day like this weather then everyday is good day. But if everyday is a good day, would you know what is "better"? Like what my partner always say: During Spring, there is always 2 days good weather and then the rest of the days would be shitty weathers; So when the arrival of Summer, you will fully appreciate the sun everyday.

Last time i always tease at people, especially old ones. All they talk everyday besides weather, still weather. But living in such a shitty weather country, i suddenly realized i becoming one of them who can't live without complaining the weather. Maybe this is just what you can't escape when you are here. Sigh..

Lately started to learn how to cook Chinese food, which have to thank for a blogger who keep posting her recipe on her blog, and the recipe mostly are all the food you can easily get in Malaysia. After all the experiments, the outcome was pretty impressive i have to say! Now my cravings in food is lesser i think.

Looking back a year ago before living in Indonesia, i don't even know how to cook the simplest food - fried rice (which is bit ashamed though). Every guai lou expect i can cook Chinese food, but all i can tell them was " Sorry, i don't know how to cook Chinese, only western cuisine" .. Malunya! :) Anyway, i am better now as how my dutch learning going. Elke dag een beetje beter dan elke dag!

Oh.. was very happy and sort of proud of myself with my dutch improvement. Within 6 weeks time, i can actually express myself in dutch with proper sentence and daily conversation as doing pretty good with my partner at home too. Got quite a lot of praise from many people, one of the classmate actually thinks i am the best student in class, and also my future FIL said my pronunciation is very dutch, without the trace of a non-dutch way of speaking (which is what he mean by the "g" and "r"). Really very happy with all those compliments! When you worked really hard on something and you got some very possible feedbacks, that always feel like drinking free cocktails all night long - the 3H - Hyper Happy High!!!