Thursday 3 July 2008

Lecturing life

Already the 3rd week teaching in the college. My PR student are lovely and i really love them. Looking at them, allowed me to recall all my happy moments during school time. Especially my foundation year. Energetic, happy, young, cheering, etc etc. I really love to be around with them!

Yesterday college asked me to teach a special class with "one day mandarin". 3 classes student combined together as well as their English lecturers. The class was around 50 people. Took me a sleepless night (actually think of what to teach in the class make me cannot sleep) to plan what to teach. And the coordinator specifically "ask" me to wear formally to the class because there will be a photographer of a magazine to take picture during the class.

During the class, as expected the photographer was there, full of student and teachers, and can imagine the class is real big and i have to actually "shout" during the class in order to let everyone able to hear me. After the class, a lot of the student wanted to take picture with me and then there was a banner in the class which i didn't notice in the entire class what is written in the banner. So class, pictures, this that. And there the end of the class and chatting with the rest of the english lectures about the education system of Indonesia. Then suddenly she asked me about my master degree. I got surprised how she know, or maybe the college told her. Then she pointed at the banner, there i realized.. the banner was for ME!

My name was there, "something teaching mandarin, english... Mrs. Meng Hwee, Chan (i haven't married.. hello?? ) , then master degree in business and from Australia..." More or less like that.

Wow.. that fully shocked me! Too bad no picture taken with my phone and didn't bring camera (never expect that). The pictures all with other lecturer's phone and she is off on Thursday. So i can only get after i back from Malaysia. Told my mum about it and we both also wonder what is so special about ME?? Even my man has the same curiosity too.. Finally we guess.. maybe there is just too limited master degree holder in here.

FYI, it is very expensive for them to travel out of Indonesia. Because they have to fly to Jakarta to transit; and by flying to Jakarta that will cost them the same price as flying from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta. And there is no master degree course available in Banjarmasin.

Anyway, it was a cool day!

This morning class was the "board game" for my student, AKA big assignment day. They have to create a board game with question cards (in mandarin) and swap with other team to play it. Ability to answer the questions going to determine their final score for this assignment. It was fun and they really have to learn it by heart. The outcome beyond my expectation and a few of my top student in the class really did it very well. Without the pinyin, still can do it perfectly. Awesome! :D What to do? My student!! :D Proud of them!

Tuesday 1 July 2008


Have the thought to reside in Holland after this Banjarmasin project instead of continuing the family contract with his company. Reason? Maybe we just need plenty of holidays?

Is that really wise to stay in Holland? Can i handle it alone there while he works abroad? There are too much of questions in my mind now. What if i couldn't get a job? What if i couldn't handle with everywhere filled with dutch? What if i couldn't take it for living by myself, alone? What if i miss home? What if... what if...

But everyone can do it, i should able to do it too right? I don't know! I have too many doubts and questions in my mind lately. My very own self, what i want, where i want, how i want. Then my relationship, what he want, when he want, and how he want.

I am lost i think! I don't even know how to gather everything in my mind to express through words. But the only thing in my mind now is my travel planning.

5/7 - 7/7 @ Singapore
7/7 - 14/7 @ Kuala Lumpur
23/7 - 29/7 @ Jakarta, Bandung and mum's visit to Banjarmasin
21/8 - 3/9 @ Holland
11/9 @ Kuala Lumpur
17/9 - 10/10 -> Quinten and Anita visiting in Asia

and i need more...........

I am so sucks now.. I am just having too much of time to think of crap? Or am i just.. i don't know what