Thursday 20 March 2008


Lately when i received some sms from someone whom didn't meet up for more than a month, the first thing in the text is : How are you? Where are you now? In Malaysia?.. and then it will follow by another same question: When are you leaving?

Well, been getting used to the question, so i have my way to answer too : of course! But don't know when leaving and where to. Just go with the flow and everywhere is my home!

I wish i could have an answer too. But I really don't know where will i be. Used to plan a lot together, but the more we plan, the more changes it seems. So now we learned to just live with it. When the least expectation we are, the higher hope we fulfilled.

Many people envy a lot about this kind of lifestyle. Maybe before this i was one of them. But by last i realized it is just not that great as you imagined. At least i can't plan on what i can do (career), i cannot plan anything longer than 2 months, thus i have to look for a lot of things to entertain myself to not get bored in life! I will not say i don't enjoy, i don't like. Indeed it is the best life every women out there looking for. And a lot of them might not even have it in their whole life. So i appreciates it and i am happy with it, only if i could have something to fill up my time that will be the best!

Always agree with what my mum's life philosophy: Satisfaction brings happiness! When you satisfied with what you are having, then only you will appreciate the true happiness in it. I am satisfied with what i am having now, that is why i am enjoying my life! Of course all i am enjoying at this moment brought by my family and my other half. Thank you!

Wednesday 19 March 2008

The day is getting nearer

The day to be together again is getting nearer. From the day we apart started to count to the day to be together again. Been a routine for me almost 3 years now. Every time when almost the week to be apart will think: well, only 2 months, and thank God in this coming 2 months have plenty of plans to do. So strongly believe this 2 months can past easily.

Can spend 2 weeks fully on holiday, 2 weeks in hanging out with friends, 2 weeks going around with mum, 2 weeks left for being alone. Time wouldn't be that bad though. But the fact isn't like this. Because no matter what i do during the time he is working abroad, the time i miss him and wanted to be with him is countless. Although i might be full of plans during the apart period, but i still miss him and wish he could be with me. So... i realized i was lying myself!

Only 3 days left then we are together again. But I've been telling myself and counting down the day from the first day already : only 8 weeks, only 7 weeks, only 6 weeks, only a month, only a week... But nothing to be deny, i am very looking forward the day to come as soon as it can. But the weirdest thing is, every time when there is only 7 days left, the time just seems stuck up there and 7 days just as long as 7 weeks. Why huh?

Very happy finally is his turn to come to Malaysia instead of i going to Holland. Well, going to Holland isn't bad at all. At least another chance to travel to another new Europe country and of course my bag's shopping spree! So Malaysia or Holland actually makes no difference to me, but there is for my family and friends in Malaysia. For my family, he is part of the member and of course everyone at home miss him a lot and wanted to meet him, especially my mum. I am really very glad my family loves him a lot. Holidaying in Malaysia might not be a good decision for his family. That day he just told me his family complaint about the decision for coming to Malaysia. I knew who is the one, although being fully aware she is pretty bossy to all the siblings, especially him. But still i feel angry and unhappy with it. Been continuously back to Holland for holiday 2 times, why being so selfish? What if that is her husband? what if her husband's family don't like she go back to her own house with her husband? What will her own family member think if they never got a chance to meet their son-in-law in more than half a year? Keeping this for myself but not sharing with him, because i can understand the feeling of positioning between family and the other half. Of course i don't blame her for being selfish, maybe if i was her, i will complain about it to him. Or maybe i won't but keeping it to myself or just express the dislike to my other half. I don't want my brother to feel guilty! And congratulates her, she make her brother feeling extremely guilty!

Can't wait for the day to come and to travel together with the holiday plans I've planned. There is a surprise trip arranged by me though. I believe he will really love to see more about Chinese culture and to know more about Chinese. So the surprise trip would be the first destination for him to learn about it! And can't forget and left behind the Redang trip. Finally i will travel there and get my scuba diving license. This is one of the dream and thing i wanted to do for so long. And of course very looking forward relaxing by the beach with him, starring at the stars in the sky at night and listen to the wave. That is always the best holiday for me!

Very nervous indeed. Last holiday couldn't give him any "holiday". Feels very guilty. Hopefully all the places in my mind that i plan to bring him to can come true this time. Miss him a lot!