Wednesday 30 December 2009

Closure of 2009

As what everybody does, always a closure writing about what they've done, achieved in the year that going to end or they wish-list and to-do-list in the coming new year. Here I am as well!

Looking backward, although i did not make a million in the year 2009; i was not promoted in a company; i did none big project to change the world; that is because i STILL do not have a job.. :P, but I've settled down in NL this piece of land; I've started a new live which was completely strange for me without friends and family and i overcome it with many new friends; I've learned dutch, although not perfect, but i am still pretty proud and happy with it that i managed to speak, write, listen and read relatively good within a very short half year time; I am getting married in less than 2 months time; I've signed prenup with my partner; I am teaching Chinese in a piece of land where not too many people can master this language (feel kinda proud and great as in passing the knowledge to other people); I can cook a lot a lot much better and of course more cuisines now; I've got my dutch driving license; And, I've got a dog - Fleur in NL here... Guess that's all i can recalled, although not big achievement, but it is for me!

There are always plenty of ups and downs in life, it does not matter! I believe after a rain showered, the sun will come out again with a beautiful rainbow. If there is no rain, we will never appreciate the sunny day; If there is no rain, we will never have the chance to see what is a rainbow.

Looking forward to the party on tomorrow at my beloved friend's house and wish we all have a good closure of year 2009 and a good beginning of year 2010 with no (or at least, not much) hangover!

Happy New Year!