Thursday 26 November 2009

Persistent & Self-confident

The new dutch level - B2 really gives me a big challenge and new experience in my life. This level only started 3 weeks and i was and still am, riding a roller coaster everyday.

My self-confident drop to the lowest point in my life every time when i finished my class, but also rose up again whenever i converse in dutch with Jan and Jan's family. They always give compliments on my dutch improvement with clear pronunciation as well as good grammar, but when i am in this B2 class, i never experience the same compliment.

Within the 6 learning-dutch months, with the understanding of dutch, i am sometimes very impressed with my improvement in this, compare to 6 months ago when this language was still complete new and strange to me. That sort of boost up my confident in it that i am still me, but with the setback once and once given by the new lecturer in class, as well as the doubt from them on my learning ability, i wish i can have a big cry now to ease my wronged feeling. I am completely lost now, i should proud of my improvement as well as my learning ability, or should i ashamed of the incapable in it?