Thursday 19 June 2008

3rd week in Banjarmasin

Been here 3 weeks already and few more days will be officially one month in Banjarmasin. As promised there will be update about life in here and it seems didn't really do much!

Was busy during the 2nd week here after spending one full week in hotel. 2nd week was the week that we finally moved into our house in here. House look nice, big, grand, elite. But the construction work... no comment! If i have to pay so much for a house especially in here, my expectation will be almost perfect work by them. Too bad it is not at all. Maybe Sunway SPK work is too good if being compared. The house floor is not even as in the water flowing i concerned. The water pressure in the master bedroom is extremely low, although there is a bath tub, but when i didn't use the bath tub, basically i have to use another bathroom to shower. Else will be standing too long while just to clean up my hair! Shower can be something tiring when you have the extreme low pressure of water! ;) I can easily list down 20 things to complain about this house!

After all the busy from furnishing the house, this that. I got fully bored with the life in here especially during last week. Without internet for a few days as the cable is not install in this area, YET, (thank god can use the 3G internet access with the mobile modem, but expensive though.) and newly in here, knowing nothing! Awful!

I just got my maid finally(after so long searching in INDONESIA for INDONESIAN maid, hilarious!), and.. i got my job too! :D I am very happy with it. Today was the first day, first class, first teaching. I teach Mandarin in a private college for the PR student. Lovely students with all together 13 in the class. Basically the class mostly conducted in English. Their level just not that bad, impressive! Hope can have more subjects to teach in the coming time.

About my maid, she is divorcing with her husband currently, that's why needed a job. And of course we offered higher than market price for her as we really needed a maid desperately! Everyday she will bring her 4 years old daughter along to work. It is alright for me as the house is just too big for me while he is working. Think working for me considered pretty lucky or not? Morning come in 10am, (i only up by 10am if no class), then home when work all finished (only sweeping, mopping, wiping for everyday job, the rest just randomly), lunch included and Sunday is off day.

Saturday will be barbeque party in my house! Wow.. Can't wait for it. All his colleagues is coming over, finally can fully utilize our garden in the house. Been preparing this for almost a week. Have to think of how to marinade all the meats, seafoods; then starters, deserts, etc. Another drinking night i think, after last week Japanese dinner with so many bottles wine down and then clubbing after. I got real sucks morning the day after! The clubbing here is good actually. Can be compared with KL's!

Come back to myself. Happy that my mum is coming by the end of July. I will meet her up in Jakarta then we go shopping in Bandung and now since Vi cannot make the trip, my mum will come to my house n stay over! I know she wanted to come so much to see my lifestyle here. Can't wait for the Bandung shopping spree! :D

I feel i am so fully grown now. Have to take care for a house, besides the cleanliness, his laundry, all working shirts nicely ironed, i have to think of what to cook for dinner everyday. From morning have to search for recipes in internet, recipe book in order to cook something different everyday. And then have to prepare my groceries shopping list, what to buy, what i wan to cook this week, what is going to finish at home, and blah blah blah. As he said, a good wifey will only need to do groceries shopping once a week. So i want to be that! ;) Of course, keeping track how much i spent in groceries every time! So housewife me now! Finally can understand how's the feeling for handling a family. Fully know how tough my mum used to take care of a family now! Thank you Mum!

I AM GOING BACK TO KL in 2 weeks time! Counting down the day every night. I miss everyone and everything in KL so much! And, also going back to Holland after 2 months! I miss everyone and everything in Holland too. My other home huh.

Will try to post some pictures taken during the Japanese dinner (have to ask from Jan's colleague) and hope this weekend party will get some pictures, and of course pictures with my student!