Sunday 27 April 2008


Finally the location is set at Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Finally i am officially leaving the country to live together with my man and away from my family. Although still possible to come back as often as i like, for example once a month or so. But, this time is different! I am leaving for the sake of living together and start a family with him (of course no baby in the plan yet, still want to do more diving!) but not like going back to Holland for a month or two and then come back for a month or two and then go again.

A bit surprised that i don't really have any hard feeling or maybe been leaving the home very often, traveling here and there, and know that mum is anytime coming to visit at Banjar or i will go back on and off for the sake of shopping, or ease of boredom or for the business perhaps. But still feels bit sad of course, and in the mean time exciting too (duh!).

It is now another chapter again for our life. With a lot of hope and believe that we can make it pretty well. Maybe from the way of living together and traveling together gives the confident to me. People always say: Travel together is the best way to judge how well a couple can live together. In fact we both enjoyed travel together a lot and we had plenty of fun. Kinda looking forwards it, wondering how is the place look like; how will our house like; what will i do there; what kind of friends can i make there; how much will i enjoy there; and of course the dream coming true finally for living together with him. Been 3 years, all plans kept changing and all sort of disappointments. The harder to get it, the more you appreciate it! Isn't?

About friends... When the time he was in KL, he kept asking me to go out with all my friends. He said why i don't like to go out and hang around with all my friends anymore. Past time i meet them like almost every alternate day, but why not now anymore? I think the reason we don't hang out as often as last time is because.. people keep grows! When we grows, our lifestyle keep changes aligned. Now there is the busy with dating and marrying, there is the busy with work, there is the busy with struggling life decision, and there is the busy with everything forever. When everyone has their own business to busy about, and that caused the possibility of scheduling time together is lowered. So, that is why we don't meet as often as last time anymore.

Glad to see everyone grows to a better way. Finally she is marrying to someone who is really good and nice; finally she is fully dedicated herself to the work; finally she know what is what she need to do and search for her future happiness and commitments and willing to let go of her current life; but lastly, she was the most dedicated person to her life but she became the most lost in her live. She used to has the mission and vision in her life, but because of someone who abandoned all her dedication, she loosed all her time and lost herself. Hope she can find back herself in the soonest time. God bless!

And same goes to me, i grown and i found the destination in the 3rd chapter of my life. I am very happy with it and i know my family happy with it very much too. He is the one and he is all i was looking. Thank you!